Things aren't done like that.
You should at least have told
me you were thinking...
about get
someone from outside.
lt's understandable
that I was expecting to be promoted.
Son of a bitch!
After so many years.
l know aII this
like the back of my hand.
Fuck, almost sleeping here.
So many years of pissing
where l'm supposed to, fuck!
Now l'm going to piss
where l damn please!
Here, and here!
l'm gonna piss wherever
l damn pIease!
l'm pissing right here!
l do what l please!
l'm here, sitting in the bathroom.
Sitting on the toilet
and without my promotion.
A promotion that should
have been mine.
You don't understand a thing,
You're not here, Sara!
You don't understand
a fuckin' thing! Nothing!
You'll go out
with your girlfriends...
to buy cIothing, and some food.
You're not here.
You can't imagine the pressure.
Everyone's there,
doing their thing, talking.
l have ideas.
l have ideas, in here.