Knock it off!
I just patched the last hole!
All right.
Now, we're here to read
the last will and testament
of Lucy Watkins.
So, here goes.
Oh, "first off, I'd like
to thank you all for coming.
"though if there was a blizzard,
I understand.
"Now, I don't want
any crying.
"People should
enjoy themselves.
So, Barb, why don't you pour
a round of Wild Turkey on me."
Pass it around.
Here ya go.
What's with Sasquatch?
Zip your lip.
That's Thunder Jack.
They call him that
'cause he got hit by thunder.
You can't get hit by thunder.
Now, pay attention.
"Now, I led a simple life
"so don't expect too many
goodies to be bequeathed.
"First, to Peter Yellowbear
"my neighbor and fellow snow golfer
I leave my lucky putter."
But don't expect it
to improve your game."
"to Barb
"my dear friend
and boss
"I give my shearling coat...
"which kept me warmer
than any man ever did."
You don't have to talk to it
in the morning.
"to my son