or would you prefer me to lie down?
Uh, chair's fine.
So, it's my left rear molar.
Filling fell out
a couple of years ago.
And now it's purple.
And there's this real rotten odor.
Maybe it's infected.
And you're telling me
this because...?
Aren't you a dentist?
Aren't you my father?
If I say yes,
do I get a discount?
Doesn't even look like me.
I, uh... categorized
all of Lucy's possessions.
These are the recommended prices.
This is what I'll settle for.
And you can keep ten
percent for yourself.
Oh, what about the dogs?
Give them to Johnny Lightning.
You mean Thunder Jack?
Sure, why not?
He wants them.
I haven't got any use for them.
Thanks. This'll only take a second.
Yeah, sure.
You're leaving?
I don't know what I was looking for.
But I sure didn't find it.
Well, what were you expecting?
Maybe a little truth.
Find out about myself,
learn why she gave me up...