to mistake a swinging bush
for a living creature.
To say nothing of a strange planet!
There's nothing offending in it
for you.
What action are you going to take
in view of Prof.Messenger's opinion?
Practically none at all.
Our research in this area
will be discontinued.
l have a statement to make.
lt's not my reputation but the spirit
ofthe expedition that you offend...
Well, et cetera...
lt's considered to be good manners
to laugh whenever Burton's report
is mentioned.
We've known you a long time,
but still l know so little about you.
You were very handsome then.
You don't mean that, but thanks
Well, Chris, what do you think
about all this?
l would like to speak to your son
l hate to look like an idiot
before you once more.
l'll wait for you outside
by the swing.
He looks ridiculous, your Burton.
Don't say that.
He's obviously ill at ease.
He feels he's intruding on us.
lf he decided to come, it's because
he considers the matter so important.