The High Council
has reached a verdict --
You taught the K. O.K.
handshake to a girl.
Dude, what were
you thinking?
Boo-la. Boo-la.
Boo-la. Boo-la.
Boo-la. Boo-la.
Boo-la. Boo-la. Boo-la.
Boo-la. Boo-la.
Spence, are you done yet?
We need this...
...room for the bobsled.
Jiminy Cricket.
Goddamn it, Dave!
Mush, I say!
-- Mush!
-- Ow!
Oh, come on!
Change of plans, boys.
Someone ralphed all over
the living room.
We need to relocate.
You guys, out.
Hey, I will not tolerate
during my ceremony.
Oh, just relax.
Look, I thought that your mask
was really scary this time.
You two "fraternity
brothers" think you can
do whatever you want
in this house,
right? Wrong.
I'm the president!
What's that, Adam?
I think it's time
the president got laid.
Fuck you.
Fight sexism,
support feminism!
Don't fall victim
to the antiquated
standards of femininity.