Sorority Boys

Oh, I hate them!
Just because you guys
are plus-size girls,

it doesn't mean
they have to be so mean.

Oh, are you okay? God.
Well, we gotta go.
Oh, wait, wait,
wait, wait.

Have you guys
pledged a house,

or -- or do you --
do you want anything?

No. Come on.
Well, are you hungry?

## Girl ##
## You'll be a woman soon ##
So, where did you girls
say you were from again?

-- Newbury.
-- Bermuda.
-- Minnesota.

Well, we -- we transferred.
Well, um...good.
We're -- we're in the middle
of a membership drive.

Yeah -- free room and board
your first semester

if you pledge D.O.G.
But -- but no pressure,

Are you sure
we should let them in?

They're a real
pack of barkers.

That is exactly
the type of attitude

that we have to fight
against, Susie.

I mean, D.O.G.
doesn't give in to...

media images of
what a woman should be.

We need to welcome
all types.

Let's pledge.
Yeah, good one.
No, it's only one night.
No, we take care
of business, and
we're back in K.O.K.

No fuckin' way.
what do you think?

I pledged
20 minutes ago, man.

Come on in.
Here we are.
It's fully furnished,
compliments of
last year's seniors.

But it --
it's nothing fancy.

Make yourselves at home.
This place is so clean.
Ooh, candles.
Welcome to
Delta Omicron Gamma.

