-- Yeah.
-- Yeah.
-- Yeah, I'll see
you guys later.
-- Okay.
## You're always dancing
down the street ##
Damn it.
## With your suede blue eyes ##
Suck my dick.
## Every new boy that you meet ##
## He doesn't know
the real surprise ##
## Here she comes again ##
## When she's dancing
'neath the starry sky ##
## Ooh, she'll make you flip ##
## Here she comes again ##
## When she's dancing
'neath the starry sky ##
## I kinda like
the way she dips ##
ln our exploration
of the text,
we will learn about
and obfuscation.
Um, excuse me...
I think you're
in the wrong class.
This is Women's Studies 2b:
Femalehood ln Crisis.
Which satisfies my
"history of consciousness"
requirement, right?
Have a seat, please.
The primary text
is my study,
and the Male Demographic:
of Gender Economics,
1 9 7 1 through 1 9 7 6. "
-- Huhh!
-- Huhh!
Party last night
was awesome, bro.
Thanks for putting up
the cash.
Hey, whatever it takes
to preserve the reputation
of K.O.K.,
even if it means
paying for everything
out of my own pocket.
My collarbone!
Well, well, well.
Co-inky dinky,
my stinky pinky.
Here we are again.
Excuse me.
Phone moi.