
Next we have the netweb spider, family
Philus Tetidae, Genus Cucacamia.

It spins an intricate funnel shaped web whose strands
have a tensile strength proportionately equal

to the type of high tension wire...
Leave him alone.
Or what?
Or his father will fire you father.
What's Daddy gonna do? Sue me?
What is going on? The next person who talks
will fail this course. I kid you not.

This grass spider hunts using a set of
relexes with nerve conduction so fast

that some researches believe it
almost borders on precognition...

-Those guys are jerks.
-...an imminent awareness of danger, a "spider-sense".

Hey look at that spider.
Some spiders change colours to blend into their environment.
It's a defense mechanism.
Peter, what makes you think I would want to know that?
Who wouldn't?
Over five painstaking years Columbia's genetic research facility has...
Gonna talk to her now?
No, go on, you talk to her.
-I hate the little things.

-I love 'em.
-Yeah me too.

You know, spiders can change their colour to blend into their environment.
Yeah, it's a defense mechanism.
...combining the genetic information from all three spiders into these fifteen genetically designed super-spiders.
There's fourteen.
I beg your pardon?
One's missing.
I guess the researchers are working on that one.
Did you know that this is the largest
electron microscope on the eastern seaboard?
