Peter, what's going on in there?
I'm exercising. I'm not dressed Aunt May.
Well, you're acting so strangely Peter.
Ok, thanks.
[evil laughter]
Something's bothering him.
Maybe he's too embarrased to tell me what it is.
Maybe I'm too embarrased to ask him.
I don't know, I just don't know anymore.
I'm going to the downtown library, I'll see you later.
-Oh, wait Pete! I'll drive you there buddy.
-I'll take the train.
-No I need the exercise. Just go on, go go go.
-Thanks for the ride Uncle Ben.
-Now wait a minute, we need to talk.
-We can talk later.
-We can talk now. If you'll let me.
What do we have to talk about, why now?
Because we haven't talked at all for so long,
your Aunt May and I don't even know who you are any more.
You shirk your chores, you have all
those weird experiments in your room.
-You start fights at school.
-I didn't start that fight, I told you that.
-Well you sure as hell finished it.
-What was I supposed to do, run away?