That's it! That's it!
Ladies and Gentlemen give it
up for the new champion, SPIDERMAN!
Now get outta here.
A hundred bucks? The ad said three thousand.
Check it again webhead. It said three grand for three minutes.
You pinned him in two. For that, I give you a hundred, and you're lucky to get that.
I need that money.
I missed the part where that's my problem.
-Hey what the hell?!
-Put the money in the bag.
[Hurry up!]
Hey he stole the take!
Stop that guy!
Stop him, he's got my money!
What the hell's the matter with you, you let him go!
Cut him off in the lobby and call the cops.
You could have taken that guy apart. Now he's going to get away with my money.
I missed the part where that's my problem.