Well , let's see, shall we?
The riders are strapped
into the bubble.
The hydrobot lifts the bubble
high into the air.
And spins it round and round
as fast
as the United States government
will allow.
-- Whoa!
-- Whoa!
The bubble spins, turns,
flips, and bounces.
-- Aah!
-- Aah!
-- Aah!
And then...it juggles you.
-- Whoa!
-- Whoa!
-- Whoa!
-- Whoa!
l want to go on!
l thought so.
Now, understand -- the override
precautions are top-notch ,
modified by yours truly.
l thought her father
was supposed to be here.
Man : The president
has more pressing business
than to spend
an entire Sunday
in a theme park.
No one's that busy.
Have fun , kid.
-- We'll take it a little slow,
just make it fun.
-- Mm-hmm.
Can't you get her down?
Somebody's jammed
the override.
Why, that
little troublemaker.
Remain calm.
Remain calm.
We are the Secret Service.
Everything is under control.
-- There's nothing
we can do, sir.
-- What?
The weight of our agents
will prevent us from ascending
the shaky precipice
on which she now stands.
She'll fall.
Don't we have
any smaller agents?
Bring me agents SK1 and SK2.
-- Coming through.
-- Coming through.
We're ready.
Use this -- the latest gear.