Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams

l must go.
-- Man : Ladies and gentlemen ,
the president
of the United States.

Thank you.
l am proud of the O.S.S.
and their newly formed
Spy Kids division.

For their outstanding
accomplishments yesterday.

Gary and Gerti Giggles
not only saved
my daughter...

What is he talking about?!
l saved her!

But more importantly,
if not most importantly,

they safely retrieved
the Transmooker device

that my daughter accidentally
took from my office

earlier that day.
Now it is my great pleasure
to announce

the new director
of the O.S.S....

...Donnagon Giggles.
Gary and Gerti Giggles
are the kind of agents
we need

to turn the O.S.S. around.
l am proud to award them
-- these Level 1 badges,
-- What?
-- which will enable them
to take on real missions,

something challenging ,
like the Ukata assignment.

-- l wanted that assignment.
This is so unfair.

l am proud to claim them
as our organization's
top Spy Kid operatives!

Something's not right.
And l'm also proud
to claim them , of course,
as my children.
This is all wrong.
To our Spy Kids.
-- To our Spy Kids.
-- To our Spy Kids.
-- To our Spy Kids.

To our Spy Kids.
