-- One moment, please.
Who is it again?
-- Juni Cortez!
-- What can l do for you?
l mean ,
you've done so much for me.
Your robot counterparts
are the surprise
hit characters of my show!
Say hello.
-- # Hello #
-- # Hello #
Actually, Carmen wants
a word with Mr. Minion.
Oh. He's right here.
Minion is practicing
a 4-part harmony.
-- You have one minute.
-- # Hmmm #
-- # Hmmm #
-- # Hmmm #
-- # Hmmm #
-- # Hmmm #
-- # Hmmm #
-- # Hmmm #
How you doing , Minion?
Things are a little Floopy
around here for my taste,
but it's a living.
l need some information
on your favorite subject --
the O.S.S.
l need to make a call.
Okay, you ready?
-- Woman : The president's
daughter is unavailable.
Press ''1 '' to record.
-- Mean anything to you?
Smells like the work
of Donnagon Giggles.
He had first contact
with the Transmooker technology.
You think Donnagon's the one
behind all this?
You're talking
to a man with four heads.
Trust me --
the guy is dirt.
What should we look for?
First, find the island.
Then find the lsland Man.
That would have been
Donnagon's contact.
Thanks, Minion.
Be a good girl
and swat your brother for me.
Oh , l will.
Something's wrong!
Take the wheel!
Got to go.
Good luck!
Slow down! We're nearing
destination zone.
The radius where all
the disappearances occurred
is right...