They've tried to gobble me up
on more than one occasion.
Why do they despise me so?
l created them.
Do you think...
God stays in Heaven
because he, too,
lives in fear
of what he's created...
here on Earth?
Stop looking at me like that.
l'm no loon.
What l'm still trying
to figure out
is why this island
doesn't show up
on even
our most advanced satellites.
l created a cloaking
device to shield my island
from curious eyes.
Anything electronically
powered that comes
within a mile radius
instantly shuts down.
Any radar that passes
over me is displaced ,
creating the illusion
that my island doesn't exist.
The Transmooker device.
How did you know?
Your cloaking device
is highly coveted.
People everywhere are trying
to get their hands on it.
Are you sure
we're the only humans here?
There they are --
two children ,
judging by their size.
What is this?
lt's a miniature
of the island.
The center point of
the volcano provides
a gravitational basis
for which
my miniature creatures
can line up exactly
to their larger
clone counterparts.
-- So, wherever your miniature
creatures are on this model ,
it's where the bigger ones
are outside?
Correct. l can keep track
of their whereabouts this way.
-- See?
The two intruder children are
being chased by a slizzard.
-- Gary and Gerti.
-- Leave 'em.
We have to go help them!
They shouldn't be
snooping around my
island to begin with!
-- l'm with you , dude.
-- We have to help them.
l'm not going out there!
l'll be eaten!
What a bizarre man.
-- Gerti : Help us!
-- Gary: Help!
-- Gerti : Help us!
-- Gary: Help!