Finally coming to Romulus, in force.
I knew they'd never give us freedom.
- I would have to take it!
- But how many Romulans died for it?
Too many. But finally the Empire
is realising that there is a better way.
And that way is peace.
- You don't trust me.
- I have no reason to.
You have every reason.
If you had Lived my Life,
and experienced the suffering of my
people, you'd be standing where I am.
If you'd Lived mine, you'd understand
my responsibility to the Federation.
I cannot allow my personal feelings
to unduly influence my decisions.
All I have are my personal feelings!
I want to know what being human
means. The Remans gave me a future.
- You can tell me about my past.
- I can tell you about mine.
- Were we Picards always warriors?
- I think of myself as an explorer.
Well, were we always explorers?
I was the first Picard
to Leave our system.
It caused quite a stir in the family,
but I'd spent my youth...
Looking at the stars, dreaming
about what was up there, about...
New worlds.
I'm trying to believe you.
If there is one ideal
the Federation holds most dear,