Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

Someone to see ya, honey!
Jedi, by the looks of him.
Hello, Dex.
Take a seat.
I'll be right with ya.

- You wanna cup o' jawa juice?
- Oh, yes. Thank you.

Old buddy!
So, my friend, what can I do for ya?
You can tell me what this is.
Well, whattaya know!
I ain't seen one of these
since I was prospectin'...

on Subterrel, beyond the outer rim.
Can you tell me
where it came from?

This baby belongs to them cloners.
What you got here
is a Kamino sabredart.

I wonder why it didn't show up
in the analysis archives.

It's these funny little cuts on the side
that give it away.

Those analysis droids
only focus on symbols.

I should think that you Jedi
would have more respect...

for the difference
between knowledge and...

Well, if droids could think...
there'd be none of us here,
would there?

Kamino. I'm not familiar with it.
Is it in the Republic?

No, no. It's beyond the outer rim.
I'd say about 1 2 parsecs
outside the Rishi Maze.

Should be easy to fiind,
even for those droids in your archives.

These Kaminoans
keep to themselves.
