Stark Raving Mad

I mean, he helped tame the Wild West.
He made a lot of money doing it.

But he didn't get out in time,
you know.

He tried to hold on.
You just can't do that.

You see, at the age of 70...
...Bill still did Wild West shows
but for other guys' circuses...

...cos he was dead broke. Big mistake.
You used to have to prop
the old bastard on his horse...

...he'd do a lap
around the centre ring...

...then they'd help him off his horse
and put him to bed for the night.

Real fucking impressive, Bill.
Well, not me.
This is it. After tonight, I'm done.
No-one's propping me on a pony
when I'm 70.

Keep the boom-boom jungle music down
to a reasonable level, all right?

Define reasonable level, Partridge.
It's a fucking nightclub.

I don't have to define it.
I'm gonna be here to enforce it.

You're gonna be here?
I... I thought you were taking off
for the night.

Well, I changed my mind, OK?
I'm already regretting letting you
talk me into this after-hours crap.

This is my club,
so I'm gonna be here, all right?

- Sure, whatever.
- Yeah, that's cool.

Get a fucking thesaurus if you
need it better explained to you.

This ain't cool, man,
we can't have him here.

He's gonna wreck
the whole fucking plan, Ben!

We rented the space.
...shitty... assneck!
Don't worry about it, Rikki.
We're in way over our heads,
you know that, Ben?

This is too big, it's too
complicated. It's not gonna end good.

I said don't worry, OK?
I'm not gonna let anything
happen to you. You trust me, right?

We're fucked.
This is the most nuts thing
you ever thought of.

It's too risky, and I don't care
what Gregory wants, OK?

And now we can't play the music loud?
Let's just go back to grifting.
