Stark Raving Mad

Come on, you're ruining
the weekend again.

Hey, Ben, how you doin'?
You got a snake problem here...
...but I can talk him down
if you just give me a second.

That gets him upset.
- You're getting into shit here.
- Ben, where you going, man?

- What's his name?
- Chad.

Whoa! Easy, man,
he's got a backbone for chrissakes.

Can't you, like, sing to him
or something? Sing a song.

Sing him the magic snake song.
It's all right,
just part of the show.

Come on, come on.
Just part of the show.
Whoa, heads up!
You all right?
This your wallet?
Yeah. Yeah.
It went in the vent.
- The snake went inside the vent.
- I got it!

Where does that vent go?
- Whoa.
- What the fuck?!

Argh! Christ!
- You're not gonna believe this...
- Big snake, I know. Watch out.

It's gone.
It must've went back up in the vent.
- Ben?
- What?

Remind me never to piss you off.
Yeah, so, uh,
how's everything going down here?

It's good, Ben. It's good.
That's really funny.
Don't touch it.
