It's that time.
Play that record again.
I think I might've lost it.
Oh, well, I'll play something good.
Just play it again!
That's the song.
We're still online. We're good.
Yep, one more explosion,
we got ourselves a new door.
Knock, knock.
Sorry about your soup, man.
Totally got jostled on the dance
floor and it got kinda screwed.
- Who the hell are you?
- You ordered Chinese food, right?
Well, that's me.
Chinese food delivery guy.
- Here.
- Scott, is that you?
Jeffrey Jay? Holy shit, man!
Oh, wow! How long has it been?
Six years!
- So what are you doing now?
- Still robbing banks.
Wow. So what are you doing here?
Robbing a bank.
No shit. Hey, can I watch?