Stealing Harvard

I think he even trained his dog, Rex,
to hate me too.

You're an honorable kid.
You don't see that these days.

I appreciate that you have been
true to your word to me...

...and that you have not
slept with my daughter.

Have you slept with her, John?
- No, sir.
- Okay, all right. I'll tell you what.

I'm gonna give you
a few seconds of immunity.

If you've slept with her, tell me here,
tell me now, and we'll let it go.

Have you slept with my daughter?
Mr. Warner,
I have never slept with Elaine.

Good! Goddamn it, that's good.
If you had, I was gonna kick
your balls into your head...

...and let them rattle in your skull
like dice in a cup. Have a good one.

To be completely honest,
he sort of gave me the creeps.

He had a slightly weird relationship
with his daughter.

But aside from that and my job...
:06:10 was pretty good.
- Hi.
- Hi. John, look at this biscuit basket.

- Think the biscotti makes it look busy?
- No, it looks great.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

It does look good.
I'm proud of this basket.

- You should be. It's good work.
- Thank you.

- We should head to my sister's soon.
- Oh, yeah.

I'm not going.
Elaine never liked my sister, Patty.
Maybe it's because
Patty was a free spirit.

I say free spirit because
I'm uncomfortable calling her...

...sexually indiscriminate trailer trash.
- Hey, Patty!
- Where's Elaine?

Poor thing.
Probably from being such a bitch 24/7.

You know, she really likes you.
