God, John...
...what you are doing for Noreen...
...is so generous and so good.
It's nice to know after all this time...
...I have a little brother
who maybe sort of loves me.
You know I love you.
You're my family.
Uncle John! What a surprise!
This is my uncle. If it wasn't for him,
none of this would be possible.
Pull the vehicle forward.
A little more. A little more.
Ricky, swing to the branch.
Swing your body.
Pretend you're a little monkey,
but you have a saw...
...and you're pruning.
You're a monkey.
Good. Yeah, no... On the branch.
Prune, Ricky, prune.
Swing it, swing on the branch.
On the branch, Ricky!
Hey, how did she take the news?
Did she start to cry?
Did she shake?
She didn't wobble?
I didn't tell her, Duff, and I'm not
going to. Noreen is going to Harvard.
Because I am going to see Loach.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
And you're coming with me. Right now.