Well, well. What have we here?
What kind of car did we have
when we first got married?
- I think it was an El Dorado.
- Yes.
It was an El Dorado, wasn't it? Turn.
I'm not a homosexual, you understand.
I just... I miss my wife very much.
- I lost my wife three years ago.
- You know what I'm going through.
Well, not to this extent, per se,
but I have a rough idea.
You can go ahead
and put your clothes on.
Can I have some privacy? I feel funny
getting dressed around other men.
What the hell?
I'm here investigating
a holdup of a liquor store...
...that occurred a short time ago
on Fourth Street.
- I don't know anything about that.
- That's odd. Here's why.
The license plate on your car matches
the license plate of the car...
...used during the robbery.
- That's not possible.
- It was with me the whole night.
- Where were you?
With... My friend.
- Having a couple beers.
- Where?
I just don't really remember, because
I was, you know, a little messed up.
- You drove drunk?
- I'm sorry?
You were in the car and you were
drunk, so you drove drunk.
Not that I can recall.