"When he saw her,
it was as if he could
walk like a normal person.
His legs didn't swing,
his arms
didn't spaz away.
He wasn't
a freak anymore,
for she made him forget
his affliction.
No more
cerebral palsy.
From now on,
CP stood for...
'Cerebral Person.'
He was
a cerebral person."
I thought that was
really good, Marcus.
and emotional.
I thought it was
really emotional, too.
Student #1:
And, I mean,
really good
word choices.
It kind of reminded me
a little of Faulkner,
but East Coast
and disabled.
Or Flannery O'Connor.
She had multiple sclerosis.
And Borges--
he was blind.
Updike has psoriasis.
Maybe I'm wrong,
I'm afraid I found
the whole thing
to be a little trite.
Its earnestness is...