Vi: "So John
flipped her around,
and slammed her
against the wall.
Jane braced herself.
She thought
about her mother.
She thought
about Peter.
She thought
about God...
and rape.
Say, 'Fuck me,
fuck me hard.'
John's flesh
abraded her soft skin.
There would be marks.
She acquiesced
and said what
he asked her to say,
and did what he
asked her to do.
She had entered college
with hope,
with dignity,
but she would
graduate as a whore."
Why do people
have to be so ugly,
write about such ugly characters?
It's perverted.
I know you all think
I'm being prissy,
but I don't care.
I was brought up in a certain way,
and this is...
Yeah. Well...
it did seem a little...
Like by using taboo language,
you were trying
to shock us about the hollowness
of your characters.
I think it was
a little bit racist.
It was completely racist.
Beyond that, I felt
deeply offended as a woman.
As if women could
only operate
from experiences
of objectification.
- Totally phallocentric.
- So weirdly misogynistic.