I got it! I got it!
Yeah, I did it!
I have to start wearing a cup.
He just looked so small out there.
So lacking in bigness.
Does he really have to go back next week?
We have to give him room to grow.
I do. I let him slice his own banana.
With a spoon.
I let him drive his car to school.
No other mother does that.
With George walking beside him
every step of the way.
How much more room should I give him?
A bit more than you're giving him now.
Maybe Mom was right.
Maybe I shouldn't be playing soccer anymore.
What does she want you to go out for?
Painting or dancing.
I guess it's my fault.
I'm sorry I kicked you into the goal.
That's okay. You won the game.
That's the main thing.
No. The main thing is I hit Wallace in the face.