Stuart Little 2

It's kind of a dream of mine.
Get out of this cold, windy city,
catch that jet stream....

Fruit trees, millions of new birds to meet.
-I hear it's paradise.
-Then how come you haven't gone?

Something's always stopping me.
Something's always stopping me, too.
Everybody around here thinks
I'm too small to accomplish anything.

Hey, the way I see it, you're as big as you feel.
Yeah. Boy, I'm really glad you fell into my car.
I mean, you know....
I mean I'm not glad you fell. I just....

Want some more popcorn?
My pin.
It's fixed. How--
On my way home from school,
I drive right past where you crashed.

It was no big deal.
I mean, there was finding it...
...figuring out how the pieces fit together...
...and you know, fixing it.
And no big deal. Just...
Oh, Scottie.
:27:03, two, three.
Good as new.
No, Stuart, it's not.
It's much, much better.
-Stay with me.
-All the time.

Did you really think I wouldn't find out?
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about you
and your little mouse friend.
