Everything but.
Has anyone seen Margalo?
I can't find her anywhere.
Maybe she just went for a walk
or a little flight around the neighborhood.
Sure, to strengthen her wing.
Yeah, maybe. But why'd she leave me her pin?
Oh, you know, Stuart...
...Margalo is kind of a free spirit.
Maybe she just felt it was time to go.
Without even saying goodbye?
What are you doing?
I think I know what happened.
I think that falcon got her.
-I'm going to find her.
And don't try to talk me out of it.
I've made up my mind.
Are you crazy? You can't go out there.
Because I'm too small? Let me tell you
something, you're as big as you feel.
Then let me come with you.
No, I need you to stay and cover for me.
Cover for you? How?
Make something up. You're smart.
Stuart, she's just a bird.
No, George, she's my friend.
And when you're friends with Stuart Little,
you're friends for life.
Well, ifyou won't let me come,
at least get somebody to go with you.
The good silverware's in the dining room.
Take anything, but don't hurt me.
It's me. Stuart.
You. This better be important.
Margalo's still missing.
I should've been more specific.
I meant important to me.
I'm going to look for her. I hoped you'd come.
Look, Stuart, do yourself a favor.
Buy a parakeet and forget her.