George, wake up.
It's Saturday.
I know, but it's the first day of soccer.It's our first game.
I can't today. I caught a cold while sleeping.
You'll be fine.
Come on, come on, it'll be great.
We're going to play like Brazilians.
-Here you go.-Thanks, Mom.
Stuart, don't forget your water bottle.George....
Don't forget your cleats.
You look especially beautiful today.
Some people just know how to wear oatmeal.
Okay, open up.
Did you hear that? She said "blah-blah."
I can't believe it.
Her first word.
Where's the baby book? I'm writing it down.
I'm not sure that's technically a word.
Of course it is.
But your Uncle Crenshaw saysthat every Little starts talking by nine months.
In Uncle Crenshaw's case, never stops.
Are you both coming to the game?
Wouldn't miss it.