- I hate to ask, but, uh...for the team?
- I can't eat that!
- No! Throw it out the window!
- Okay! Okay! Okay!
All right, I'm doin' a drop.
- I'm goin' for a drop.
-Just opening the window.
- It's gone. It's gone.
- We're cool. It's cool.
- [Tires Screeching ]
- Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
- We're dead!
- All right, all right.
Windows down! Windows down!
- [ Siren ]
- Windows down!
Put the windows down!
[ All Chattering ]
All right, we're cool.
We're cool.
[ All Laughing ]
God, did you see that?
It must have been,
like, a double homicide
or something fuckin' cool.
- We was freakin' out, man.
- Man, I almost had a heart attack.
Mike, you didn't eat
both those bags, did you?
- Come and get it.
- [ Laughing ]
You must have eaten, like,
a hundred bucks worth of pot...
-and, like, 30 bucks
worth of shrooms, man.
- Who's the man?
So, I'm gonna--I'm gonna need
130 buck, you know...
whenever you get a chance.
- Fuck, man.
- That-That's not really cool, man.
[ Siren Blares ]
Is that the same car, man?
- D-Do I look high?
- Yeah.
Here they--
Here they come.
- Lick on it.
Just lick it or somethin'.
- Be cool, be cool.
License and registration.
Uh, Officer, I know that--
License and registration, please.
The regis--
- You know how fast you were goin'?
- What?
- How fast you were goin'?
- Uh, 65?