I am, and you owe me
20 laps around the bar. Let's go.
- Your black magic only works
on the rookie.
- That's brown magic.
- Pay up.
- When do I get to do that?
You'll get your chance,
Rook. Shots?
- Yeah.
- That's a lot of booze.
- Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
- I'm impressed.
- [Yells ]
Sorry, boys, you're on duty.
- On your tab, Officer Womack?
- Rookie, pay the lady.
[ Man On Radio ]
Unit 23. Come in, 23.
Unit 23. Come in, 23.
Do you need me out there?
Do you need my assistance?
- Shut up, Farva.
- I can be there--
Listen, we got the Miata.
We're okay.
What about those
dopers you picked up?
Do you need my assistance?
- The snozberries
taste like snozberries.
- [ Chuckles ]
-[ Gunshots ]
- [Yelling ]
- Oh, shit!
- He killed the cops!
- Oh, shit!
- He killed the cops!
- Get out of the car, man!
- This is a cop car!
- Hello.
- You boys like Mexico?
[ Indistinct ]
One, two, three, do it!
Oh, go, girlfriend.
I'm your mother.
Come on, Thorny.
You're losing to the rookie.
It's embarrassing.
Come on, Rabbit.
You can do it.
Oh, Rabbit, he's killing you.
I got Thorny in front by a lot.
What's the matter, your mama
didn't teach you how to chug?
Come on, Thorn.
Come on, Thorn.
- Ohh!
- Goddamn it.
[ Belches ]
I am all that is man.
- Every time.
- Finish it up.