Do you get it?
So you're saying you'll set
my Country Music Award on fire?
I'm saying when my suspension's up,
you better watch your ass.
Or you'll light my ass on fire?
[ Stops ]
You wanna go?
You wanna take one?
Make your first move.
Hey! I hate to break up
the honky convention,
but we got a 10-92.
- You wanna
take this one, Rod?
- Hell, yeah!
I bet you do--Ohh!
Nice wax job, Rook.
- Thank you, sir. [ Laughs ]
- You--
What the hell is this?
We got local pigs runnin' around?
How'd the locals beat us here?
We're, like, ten miles out.
Look at this chump.
Oh, Mr. Tough Guy here.
Take a walk, buddy,
take a walk.
Holy shit!
It's a cool Winnebago.
- My Uncle Denny used
to have one just like this.
- Rabbit, put your game face on.
You got it, boss.
- Hey, what the fuck?
- Oh-oh!
-[ Sniffs ]
- Oh, yes.
- Oh, man!
What happened here?
- Take a walk, sonny.
- This investigation
is already under control.
- Well, now it is.
- Hey!
- Don't touch
the crime scene, rodent!
Rabbit. Hey, look at that.
Johnny Chimpo.
- Quit slappin' me.
- Would you stop touching
my rookie, Grady?
- Hey, I'll touch you.
-[ Banging ]
This is the Spurbury Police.
Put your hands up
and come outta there!
- [ Squealing ]
- Get the fuck out of here!