Just print the damn thing!
All right, what do we know
about this Galikanokus guy?
It's a fake name,
fake license.
- Bunty Soap?
- Fake soap company.
- What, plastic fake?
Decorative fake? What?
- No, like they don't exist.
So, we got 150 kilos
of marijuana and no arrests.
We got nothin'.
[ Rabbit ]
I got a theory, Cap.
These, uh, bales of pot,
they have that red Johnny Chimpo
sticker on them.
And that dead woman
in the Winnebago had the same
logo tattooed on her back.
See, a lot of drug dealers
use stickers to mark their
products. Like a brand name.
See! Where'd you learn that,
Cheech? Drug school?
Shut up, Farva.
Did that bag you pulled off those
college kids have that sticker?
I don't believe it did.
- Was there any marijuana
on that Winnebago?
- Nope.
A monkey tattoo.
Sounds kinda flimsy.
What's the significance
of this John Chimpo fella?
- [ Chuckling ]
- Uh, well, you know those really
cheap Japanese cartoons?
No? This is basically
a cheaper Afghani knockoff.
It's this monkey that basically
travels around the world...
uh, doing nasty things.
His butler tries to
keep him in line, but, uh--
[ Chuckles ] No.
It's really funny, Cap.
It's Afghanistanimation.
The monkey has a butler?
- Is that what
they do in Arabia, Thorny?
- How the hell should I know?
- [ Chuckling ]
-All right. Somebody get me
a VTR copy of this thing.
I'll talk to Grady, see if he'll let
us take a look at the Winnebago.
All right.
You ready for the photo shoot?
Okay, fellas, let's take it.
- Pull down your pants.
- Shut up, Farva, you idiot.
Come on, do it.
-John. I'm not
interrupting, am I?
- Mad Timber!
- No. Come in, come in.
- Good work, gentlemen,
all the way around.
- Could I get in on that?
- Sure. Why not?