It's disgusting!
Why did you do that?
I could have eaten it myself!
It took me hours to catch!
Calm down.
You're embarrassing yourself.
Besides, fasting is good for you.
It's a spiritual thing.
Are you serious? We're not fasting.
We are fucking starving!
Don't you swear at me.
Oh, my God!
God. Out of my way!
Out of my way!
Come on, shoot! Shoot!
- Give it to me.
- I know what I'm doing! Get off me!
- At least we won't die of thirst!
- Great. We'll just drown instead!
Wake up, Guido!
Land! Land!
Paddle! Paddle!
Don't rush. You'll hurt yourself.
Forgive me for being in a rush
to get to civilization.