It's still flopping.
Quick, woman!
The fishes are getting away!
- I'm trying, master.
- Work harder! Harder!
I'm not a fucking donkey.
If you're decent to me,
I'll make sure you get rewarded.
- Money?
- Lf you like.
You insult me.
You offer money you didn't work for.
At least a whore works for her bread.
And one other thing.
How do you know they will rescue us?
We might spend years on this island.
- I'd kill myself.
- Go ahead.
I can feast on you for a week.
But as long as you breathe, you work.
Go get some wood!
Why do you keep assaulting me?
The party is over.
You wait on me now. Move!
- You're hurting me.
- Move.
- But first, kiss the master's hand.
- What?
Kiss it. Kiss it!
You will be punished when you disobey.
Like you did to me.
You made me spit blood! Yesterday you
still called me disgusting names.
Kiss the master's hand.
Kiss it.
Or leave! It's your decision.
But if you leave, you leave forever!
Accept my terms or the terms of nature!
Hand! Kiss it!