Wine list, please.
But why Portugal?
When people go to Portugal...
I always think
all the hotel rooms in Spain...
must have been booked.
See. to me.
Portugal is the one...
that's always held
the eternal mystery.
none for me, thanks.
And what do you want, Diane?
Peter says I may have
a shot at the English prize...
if I read Beowulf properly.
That is, taking into account
the times...
instead of reading it
with a contemporary slant.
You can't discount history,
No, you can't.
You can't discount it at all.
The sales representative--
this twenty-five-year-old kid
who's talking to me...
about book jackets
for four hours.
I went cross-eyed.
How many pages
you got there. Stanley?
Well. I have about 715...
How are you?
I'm good.
No. How are you?
I'm good, Oscar.
It's good to see you.
You, too.
Are you sure you don't have
a girlfriend at Chauncey?
I would think
they'd be lining up.
Eve...I've been thinking
about maybe going premed.
Maybe Columbia.
I'd be in the city,
we could meet...