Let me!
I have finally learned what happened
from my elder brother
I must apologize
for all the trouble...
...I have caused you
I am, however, delighted
I very much want to see you
and thank you in person
today I intruded upon you and
with your daughters...
...cleaned your house
and did your laundry
Please do not scold your daughters
for allowing me in
I would like in the future
to be of what use I can.
Written in haste
to: seibei lguchi, Esq.
From: tomoe
tomoe started coming
every second day or so
the two of us looked forward
to coming home from school
We're back!
You know what the teacher
did today? He farted out loud!
she cleaned with us
did laundry with us...
...and taught us to cook
On rainy days we'd practice
calligraphy and sewing
And she'd tell us all kinds
of stories, the like of which...
...we'd never heard before