The Badge

So say...
You haven't seen my keys,
have you?

-Why did you do that for?
-l love you.

-Good morning, Lauren.
-Hi, Katie.

Hey, Darl, you sure were
shaking your petootie last night.

-Come here a minute, honey.

Just come here, okay?
-How old are you?
-21 and got an l.D. to prove it.

Poor shit!
Advice for you: go to Crawfish
Bay or wherever you're from.

Work in a place like this and you
are going to develop bad habits.

-You've got a booger on your nose.
-lt's Rhonda.

-Darl, it's C.B.
-l'm not here.

He said something about
a truck wreck.

-Put down the shoes, Al.
-l've got 6 kids...

Put down the shoes, Al.
-Hey, C.B.
-lt's a whole situation.

Yeah, it looks like it.
Pass me that umbrella.

-Have you seen my sunglasses?
-l don't think so.

Do me a favor and look
for them, will you?

Some marketing!
How you doing, Bud?

The driver said some woman
ran in front of him.

-Did you talk to her?
-No. Couldn't find her.

Can't find her?
l'll be darned.

what's up, buddy?
Whose dog is this?

His license and title were clean,
but his insurance lapsed.
