The Badge

Both of you work there?
Are you the same
as she is, you know?

What does that have to do
with my husband being murdered?

-C.B., what do you want?
-Sorry, but we got an emergency.

There's a protest
at the casino site and...

-Your daddy's got a shotgun.
-Of course he has.

Would you mind waiting in my
office? l got to take care of this.

Get back here!
This was to a be a nice protest.
Nobody invited him to show up.

You hear me?
He won't let me near him.
-He's going to kill somebody.
-Hey, it's me! Put the gun down!

l've seen better sheriffs
in Saturday morning cartoons!

There he is, God himself.
Mr. Own lt, Mr. Buy lt.

Well, these raisins
ain't for sale!

Bull, you stupid drunk,
put that gun down!

-Stay back! He's crazy!
-All bark and no bite!

Flatter than yesterday's beer.
You are gone.
There's nothing left.

l'm a dangerous man.
l'm a killer!

lf you were to kill me, you'd
have killed me a long time ago.

Give me that gun.
-Get him out of my site.
-Come on, daddy. Get up.

Get off this hill, damn it. What
are you doing shooting at things?
