The Badge

For God's sake!
Darl, where are you going?
l don't want to listen to that son
of a bitch try to play the guitar.

-What do you care?
-C.B., l was just being nice.

Hey, hey, ho, ho, Paradise
Casino has got to go!

Hey, hey, ho, ho, Paradise
Casino has got to go!

Hey, Darl!

Darl, those asshole mother fuckers
won't let us in their damn party.

-Get back in the car!
-Who's that you're with?

-l'm leaving. You coming?

Does it look like l'm coming?
Hey, there, listen.
Behave now, all right?

-l always behave.
-You're not doing a good job.

That 's not his daughter, is it?
There you go.
Hi, everybody.

-This is...
-Party hardy girl.

My friend Hannah.
-Hey, l know you from the Tavern.
-How you doing?

This must be the husband
you're always running down.

Hey, l told you to behave.
Let 's hear it for the governor!
Thanks. l want to talk a couple
of minutes about Le Salle parish.

Not like my opponent, Hart
Burnson, or as l call him...

''Heartburn, son!''
He's marching marionettes
right outside that door.

Paradise Casino has got to go!
You know me?
-No, l don't think so.
-You tried to fuck me.

l own a picking pan in Shreeport.
This is a shipping invoice.

You stole US$ 2O,OOO worth
in my shoes.
