The Badge

Well, there it is, in a nutshell.
The party is running Jackson
for sheriff.

-ls that right?
-That 's right.

Well, l'm running. lf l have
to run against you and the party.

Your father tried that once
with very little success.

Don't talk about my father, okay?
You and him both
can kiss my ass!

-That 's exactly it.
-Excuse me, it's real quick.

Lucy, l need that voter
petition for elective office.

All right.
Thanks, honey.

Sure, Darl, l'll sign.
You're a good man.

l'll tell that to everybody.
''Always good to see you, Darl.''
''You told all sorts of lies to get
elected. They'll all catch you''.

-What do you say, Goose?
-l've already signed for Jackson.

-l understand.
-Sorry, Darl.

-Keep trash of my parking lot.
-You got it, Henry.

l really appreciate it.
you're going to go blind
looking at that nookie.

l'm looking for my
car catalogue.

He's been looking for it
for half an hour.

l need you to sign something
for me. what's wrong with him?

Hey, sister, are you going
to sign for me?

Well, what are your views about
the State supporting gambling?
