You're a little out of your
jurisdiction, aren't you, sheriff?
Nice place you've got, though.
This is Luna, my partner.
This is Darl.
My, my, the sheriff!
-Oh, we've heard about you.
-Well, l'm not a sheriff anymore.
There's a story right there.
Any freak on the street can tell
you where Johnny Angels is.
Why did you come in here, Darl?
Well, it is Christmas, you know?
So l thought l'd just
come by and say...
Maybe say you're sorry?
See if you were alive.
-Y'all got a lot of diseases.
-How considerate of you.
Good to know
you haven't changed a bit.
Canal and Belvedere Street.
Green door behind a warehouse.
-Merry Christmas, Darl.
-Yeah, Merry Christmas.
-Hey, gorgeous, look at you.
-Watch the nails.
what's in the bag?
-lt 's a shoe.
-Let 's see.
''A stamp, like you'd
get in a nightclub.''