Hello, cowboy.
You're my little flower
Flower, flower
l remember when
You were in my hands
Time falls like a shower
When l see you, flower
There's a place where grace
Will take me to you
I'll breathe
Through you
Flower, fly
-Nice job, sugar.
-Thank you so much.
-That was great, darling.
-Hey, sheriff.
-l'm not a sheriff anymore.
Why? They caught you with
your fingers in the cookie jar?
l'm being set up for investigating
the murder of your husband.
That 's funny. l can't even get you
to return my phone calls.
-Watch it!
-what's your problem, faggot?
-Say you made a mistake!
-Relax, buddy!
Listen, l'm breaking my parole
to talk to you.
What do you want? A star on your
forehead? A round of applause?
Did this belong to Mona?
-Are you sure?