l'm sure.
Get the fuck out of the way!
-l found out where the party was.
Two years ago, a girl who worked
in here was beaten to death...
with a tire iron, right here,
on the side of this wall.
And the cops told me to my face
that she deserved it!
lf l help you, will you
go all the way with this?
This is about real justice
for Mona.
So that's her shoe back there?
lt 's mine.
We wore the same size.
Darl, could you hold my lipstick?
My pocket 's got a hole.
what's happening, little momma?
Good to see you.
-Haven't been here for a while.
-We're going to hop in and out.
-This is my friend Darl.
-what's happening, Darl?
-You think you could comp him?
-Comp? lt will cost you sugar.
lt 's okay. Just tell him
what you told me.