The Believer

Hey. Put it back.
- Hey!
- Put it back.

Look at the fuckin' thing.
- (laughter)
- Whoo!

Look at this.
(sings) = lf l...
= ..were king of the forest =
(silly voice) Not prince, not duke, not earl.
- All right. lt's set.
- Set?

OK. We should go.
Look at this fuckin' thing, man.
- Holy shit.
- lt's weird.

- They read right to Ieft.
- (Iaughter)

Looks Iike squashed bugs.
Danny, did they use bIood?
No, they used soy.
Danny, you aII right?
Neat calligraphy.
lt's called the flame alphabet.
They think it's the word of God
written in fire.

How come you know all this shit?
How come you don't? How can you hate
Jews if you don't know about them?

Fuck you! l hate the Jews
just as much as you.

Really? What's Shatnez?
- Titties!
- What?

- Tefillin?
- Who cares?

You know the Kaddish from the Kiddush?
lf you really hate something,
you study it so you know why you hate it.

Eichmann - he studied the Torah,
the Talmud, the Mishnah,...

..the whole thing.
He hated Jews.
- Who's Eichmann?
- Who's Eichmann(?)

Eichmann was head of the Gestapo's Jewish
sector. He deported people to the camps.

(blows raspberry)
Hey, don't touch it. Don't touch the letters.
Why the fuck not?
Just don't!
- Asshole!
- Didn't you see Raiders Of The Lost Ark?

That was an Ark, man, that was a Torah.
They fucked around with it
and melted their faces.

- That was a movie, asshole.
- Go ahead, touch the letters.
