- And what has replaced it?
- Revenge.
Hold these.
Follow me.
Perhaps your thoughts
of revenge...
are serving God's purpose of
keeping you alive these seven years.
- To what end?
- Escape.
There we go.
You spoke of escape.
There are only two possibilities
of reaching the outer wall...
I simply...
I simply chose the wrong one.
Now, of course, with two of us,
we could dig in the opposite direction.
And with both of us together,
then, of course, we could
possibly do it in, um...
oh, eight years.
Oh, does something else
demand your time?
Some pressing appointment,
In return for your help,
I offer something priceless.
My freedom?
No, freedom can be taken away,
as you well know.
I offer knowledge,
everything I have learned.