and releasing him from
the bitter chains of envy
that bound him to Phil.
Phil was no Superman...
just a cuckold and a fool...
and that was beautiful.
Bubba felt that there was
just one thing
left for us to do...
something that would
solve both of our problems
and end
this whole tragic saga.
Bubba, I'm not going
to sleep with you.
But don't you see?
This is my chance
for liberation.
But one person's...
But one person's...
you know, liberation...
is another person's badness.
There's just no way.
I'm going to have
to tell Phil then.
He's my best friend.
I can't
keep him in the dark
about something this big.
He's a cuckold.
But you want
to cuckold him yourself.
That's different.
That's not about him.
That's about my salvation.
Look, you've got
your choice to make...
Destroy your marriage
and break
your husband's heart...
or have sex with me
right now.
In your corner, Bits!
Down! In your corner!
Justine! Justine! Justine!
Oh! God!
There was someone
at that window.
Did you not see?
Oh, you're paranoid.
I got to go.
Phil is never
going to find out
about any of this.
Don't fret.
Just get this damn dog
away from me.
You're looking at
a free man, Justine.
A free man.