The Hot Chick

Boys are cheats and liars.
They're such a big disgrace.
They will tell you
anything to get to second...

Baseball, baseball,
he thinks he's gonna score.

If you let him go all the way,
then you are a...

Hor... ticulture studies flowers.
Geologist studies rocks.
The only thing a guy wants from you
is place to put his...

Cock...roaches, beetles,
butterflies, and bugs.

Nothing makes him happier
than a giant pair of...

Jug... glers and acrobats,
a dancing bear named Chuck.

All guys really want to do is...
forget it, no such luck.

O, Dieve!
Taip nebûna.
Neþinau kà daryti.
Gerai, gerai.
Ðtai. Eik pas mane ir
lauk mano kambary.

Nesijaudink. Kà nors sugalvosim.
Tu mano geriausia draugë.
Aðtri barzda.
Tai að.
Apgavau jà. Pasakiau tavo mamai,
kad vyksti á kelionæ.
