Mrs. Dalloway said...
that herself
he/she would buy the flowers.
Mrs. Dalloway said that
herself would buy the flowers.
Sally, I believe that I will buy
the flowers myself.
What flowers?
You won't be a big boy
if you don't take your breakfast.
You will be the biggest brother,
that it is an important work.
Happy Birthday.
Good morning, affection.
Oh, Gives.
Roses in your
own birthday.
You made too much, seriously.
The gentleman chose for you.
It is your birthday, I
will have bought them.
-no, you were sleeping.
Good, we decide that it would be
better to allow you to sleep a little.
Good morning, son.
You need to rest, Laura.
They only subtract four months.
No. I am well,
only tired.
I told him that he/she had that
to eat up the whole breakfast
It is true.
It is a beautiful day.
What will you make?
Do we have plans, zverdad?