- No big deal.
- No, no, i-it is a big deal.
You-You have to make the audience
look where they're supposed to,
not give away the trick.
Hmm. You mean...
hocus their pocus?
Delusion their illusion?
Abra their cadabra?
Actually, I would really like
to walk the tightrope.
Oh. But I'm not really
very good at it.
Oh, I don't believe that.
I'm sure you can do anything.
Paris is r-really pretty.
I-I mean, you-- you've probably seen
it already, but then, maybe you haven't.
A-And if you haven't,
then-then maybe we could--
I could, y-you know, show you.
I'd really like that.
Oh, lovely.
I love you, love you,
love you, and you.
You're a genius.
Captain of the Guard,
I insist you do something.
They took my silver! All my coins to
pay my landlord! They'll throw us out!
- My bracelet is gone!
- Bracelet. Can you
describe the bracelet?
- My life savings is gone!
- All right, all right, have no worry.
The king's guard
is on the case.
We'll find the culprits.
Where we'll find them,
I don't know.
Wait a minute.
A string of robberies begins
the moment the circus comes to town?
I don't think so.