Oh, lovely.
- Captain!
- I'm here about a rash of robberies.
A rash? Oh.
I find a little soothing lotion
does wonders for the complexion.
- I'm talking about thefts in town.
- Portraits!
Well, we've had nothing go missing...
except some of my hair!
Are you clever enough
to retrieve that?
Oh, no, I suppose not.
My investigation leads me here.
Oh, it's true, Captain.
And it's my fault!
You're-- You're confessing?
She's my responsibility.
See, she's been a thief
since she was six.
I thought I could break her of it
if I gave her a job...
a place to call home.
Oh, Madellaine.
- Oh, Madellaine.
- Madellaine?
- Madellaine.
- Where is she?
Gone. She and the hunchback...
are-are strolling about the town.
- Thank you.
- No, thank you, Captain.
I'll let you get back
to your self.
Perfect. I make
the heist of the century...
while the girl leads the monster
and the captain away.
- Madellaine! I--
I-I-I want to talk with you.
- Oh, um--